
Independent: "Eighty Giant Furnaces"

Link to The Independent

"But with further capacity for 1.2 million tonnes of waste-burning already planned, the industry is not having it all its own way – despite the backing of business leaders including the CBI, which earlier this year urged councils to bury their objections to building new incinerators."

"Vehement opposition comes from environmentalists, who claim that incinerators contribute to greenhouse gases and discourage councils from meeting more ambitious recycling goals. 

The Independent:
Michael McCarthy commentary
The Independent:
"Chancellor opposes waste disposal on his doorstep"


WLWA: "Share your leftover recipes and win a prize"

Mmm, click me

"... All you need to do is send in a recipe for either a starter, main meal or desert using at least two items of leftovers from your Christmas dinner. 

"A panel of judges will then pick the tastiest recipe that uses leftovers most creatively."


Guardian: "Climate Change Committee wants emissions cut 60% by 2030"

"The CCC's carbon budgets are intended to reflect the levels of cuts required internationally to avoid dangerous climate change, often defined as a rise of more than 2C above pre-industrial temperatures.

"Chris Huhne, the secretary of state for energy and climate change, said:
"We know that the status quo will not be enough to cut carbon. We will formally respond to the report in spring next year."
 (Courtesy: 'Brent Cross Coalition')


WLWP Timetable

The West London Waste Plan (cunning, or otherwise) is behind schedule, but key milestones for the contractors are:


Boris consults on 'Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Strategy' - till 5 January

Click above for 'Executive Summary'

Hillingdon (alone of the six boroughs) gets some Boris Lolly

Link to Boris Central
"More than 250,000 flats and high rise properties in London are set to benefit from better recycling facilities, thanks to £1.35 million from the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB). This is expected to divert approximately 41,000 tonnes of waste from landfill."


Suggestions on Domestic Waste Strategy

Independent on Sunday: "Improved recycling means insufficient garbage to feed new plants"

Click for 8 September article

"Environmentalists warn that PFI agreements lock councils into expensive, inflexible, long-term contracts that make predicting future recycling rates difficult."

UKWIN's response to Defra, for the Government’s review of waste policies

(Click above for link)
"Incineration diverts resources from recycling, and diverts biogenic resources from composting and effective energy recovery via anaerobic digestion. The installation of incinerators, which are inherently energy inefficient, produce toxic emissions and massive quantities of CO2e, and do not save on greenhouse gas emissions, should cease forthwith, and pending the achievement of zero waste, inert non-recyclables should be put to landfill.

"...Working with local communities leads to both better decision making and a greater sense of ownership, helping to avoid lengthy and costly conflicts between communities, local authorities and waste companies regarding proposed waste facilities. Conversely, civil society in general and local communities in particular are alienated when incinerators are imposed against their will.

"Some have expressed experiencing their own local authorities acting as agents for the waste companies, intent on forcing through decisions to build waste incinerators, without due regard for the views of local residents in the vicinity of the proposed developments."

Our comment:  

So the imperative for any incinerators (in all their modern forms) in west London is ... ?


'The Full Mouchel': Proposed Sites and Policies

Link to Harrow web site (for now, anyway)

"The waste plan: details the amount of different types of waste expected to be produced in West London up to 2026; identifies the current sites available to help deal with that waste; identifies the current shortfall of facilities needed, and proposes a set of further sites which might be used for waste facilities in the future."
BBC: Mouchel

WLWP Plan Approval in (Brent), Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon, (Hounslow) and Richmond upon Thames


The West London Joint Waste DPD is mentioned here, and is "expected" to go to Cabinet in December 2010.

Previous Public Consultation

 (Click on left, for 'previous consultation' document, hosted on Harrow web site.)

"Differing views with respect to incineration, but general support for energy from waste schemes."


WLWA: "Waste falls again in West London"

Link to West London Waste Authority
"New figures published by Defra show that the amount of waste produced in West London has decreased by 30kg per person in the last year."


The six-borough 'West London Waste Plan' has a web site...

Link to 'West London Waste Plan' web site
"THE West London Waste Plan (WLWP) will plan for all waste in the plan area up to 2025. It will identify sufficient sites to deal with this waste. It will devise policy that will help implement site development and awareness of sustainable waste management. The Plan will implement the Waste hierarchy. It will give priority to waste reduction, recycling and composting."


There are five major stages along the way, and these are outlined below: