
Four tenders short-listed for West London Waste Contract

The West London Waste Authority (WLWA) has short-listed four bidders for a long term West London Residual Waste Services contract covering the boroughs of Brent, Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon, Hounslow, and Richmond upon Thames.

"The following will now be invited to develop detailed solutions as the next stage in the competitive dialogue process that is being employed:
  • Cory Environmental Ltd.
  • E.ON Energy from Waste, leading a consortium with Tata Chemicals Europe Limited, with significant sub-contractor Grundon Waste Management Limited
  • SITA UK Ltd., and 
  • Viridor Waste Management Ltd.
"The contract involves treating up to 300,000 tonnes of residual waste per year generated by a population of 1.4 million people, and covers all aspects of treatment including any necessary transport, the operation of transfer stations, and contracts for outputs such as energy, refuse-derived fuel, recyclates etc.

"Bids were invited from 'single entity' companies, consortia, or joint ventures. The WLWA has offered its three waste transfer stations at Brentford, South Ruislip and Park Royal as part of the procurement, but also welcomed proposals involving sites within bidders’ control or which they intend to acquire.

"The next stage of the tender process will be the submission of detailed solutions by the short listed bidders in spring 2012. Two final bidders will then be selected to submit final tenders in autumn 2012. The preferred bidder will be selected in spring 2013. The new services will start in April 2015, but WLWA is exploring with bidders the opportunity for an earlier start to begin diversion from landfill as soon as possible.

"West London already recycles or composts almost 40% of its household waste, more than any other sub region of London. The new contract will allow continued flexibility to increase recycling up to at least 50% by 2020 and WLWA will focus even more on waste minimisation schemes in the future."


The Guardian: "Paper bags or plastic bags: which are best?"

Link to The Guardian

"So victory for paper bags – they are the children of trees! – in the war against decadent, dolphin-smothering plastic. Except, like most wars, it is far from clear if it has left the world a better place. 

Wrap, the government-funded company set up to reduce waste, summarises the drawbacks of paper bags: while from a renewable source and biodegradable, compostable and recyclable, they require far more energy to make and transport than plastic, have less re-use potential, and produce methane if dumped in landfill."

"Fly-tipping in England mapped"

"Fly-tipping in the England cost local authorities over £60million in 2011. How bad is your area for dumping waste?"


WLWP published - but not on WLWP web site!

Link to LB of Brent copy of report

The West London Waste Plan's
'DRAFT Proposed Submission Version'
was published, without anyone noticing, on 11th November 2011, for the LB of Hillingdon, by Mouchel.
"In west London, six London boroughs have agreed to co-operate to produce a single waste plan for their combined area. When finalised, this plan will form part of each of their respective Local Development Frameworks. 

The West London Waste Plan details the amount for the different types of waste expected to be produced in west London up to 2026; identifies the current sites available to help deal with that waste; identifies the current shortfall of facilities needed, and proposes a set of further sites which might be used for waste facilities in the future."

"This Plan will be adopted, after Examination in Public and consideration of the appointed Inspector’s report, by each of the constituent boroughs. It will take on the status of a statutory Development Plan Document, and its policies will be accorded considerable weight by each local planning authority and the Secretary of State in determining planning applications for waste management facilities within the plan area.

"You can make representations on this proposed submission draft of the West London Waste Plan, including the Sustainability Appraisal and Equalities Impact Assessment during a six week period commencing from the 19 January 2012.

"All representations made will be considered by a Planning Inspector at a formal process called an examination in public. The purpose of the examination is to consider whether the Waste Plan complies with the legal requirements and is ‘sound’.

"Since the Planning Inspector’s role is to answer these questions, any comments on the Plan will need to be related to legal compliance and 'soundness'.

"All responses must be received by 1 March 2012. All representations and other material in support of any comments made should be sent to:
CAG Consultants
West London Waste Plan Consultation
Gordon House, 6 Lissenden Gardens, London, NW5 1LX
Email: consultation@wlwp.net
"Comments can also be given via the website: www.wlwp.net."